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Author Profile

Rachel McGalliard | Vice President for Operations, The Software Guild

Rachel McGalliard | Vice President for Operations, The Software Guild

Current Position and Past Experience
Rachel McGalliard currently serves as the Vice President of Operations of the Software Guild at The Learning House. McGalliard is also The Learning House’s Senior Director of Coding Bootcamps. McGalliard joined The Learning House in 2010.

Education, Honors and Achievements
McGalliard earned her BA in Biology and Chemistry and her MA in Psychology and Brain Sciences from the University of Louisville. McGalliard also has a certification in Distance Education (Systems Mapping and Planning) from Indiana University.

You can connect with McGalliard through LinkedIn and on the Software Guild website. McGalliard is also on Twitter @McRivoli.

Articles by this author:

The EvoLLLution Year in Review