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Author Profile

Quentin Ruiz-Esparza | Associate Director of Online Duke, Duke University

Quentin Ruiz-Esparza | Associate Director of Online Duke, Duke University

Current Position and Past Experience
Quentin Ruiz-Esparza is Associate Director for Online Duke as part of Learning Innovation at Duke University. In this role, Quentin leads efforts to identify new market opportunities for online programs and develop online curricula. Quentin has been at Duke Learning Innovation since 2013, and before that he led project management and quantitative analyses for the Program in Global Health and Technology Access, a research center in Duke University’s Sanford School of Public Policy.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Quentin holds a bachelor’s in economics from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Quentin calls Thailand his second homeland, where he worked for a brief while after college and met his wife. He is a self-described food nerd and loves picking up new recipes and techniques for making meals and cocktails.

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