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Author Profile

Priscilla Hobbs | Associate Dean of General Education and Interdisciplinary Studies, Southern New Hampshire University

Priscilla Hobbs | Associate Dean of General Education and Interdisciplinary Studies, Southern New Hampshire University

Current Position and Past Experience
Dr. Priscilla Hobbs is the Associate Dean of General Education and Interdisciplinary Studies and an online instructor at Southern New Hampshire University, where she coordinates the online General Education program and teaches classes in General Humanities, Interdisciplinary Studies, and World Mythology.

Prior to taking on her current role in 2015, Hobbs was an Adjunct Instructor at Lone Star College.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Dr. Hobbs holds a Ph.D. in Mythological Studies from Pacifica Graduate Institute and an M.A. in Humanities: Mythological Studies from The Union Institute and University. Her research interests include popular culture, and she has published articles about My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, videogames, and Harry Potter, including Universal Studio’s Wizarding World. She is the author of Walt’s Utopia: Disneyland and American Mythmaking, in which she explores American mythology and Cold War culture through the context of the physical place, Disneyland.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Dr. Hobbs is a chronic coffee-drinking native Texan who enjoys binge-watching, knitting, and playing board games with her family. When not riding roller coasters or planning trips to Disney resorts, she can be found watching point-of-view videos of Disney roller coasters and other ride-throughs on YouTube.

You can connect with Priscilla Hobbs on LinkedIn and Twitter.

Articles by this author:

Avoiding summer melt