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Author Profile

Philip Long | Chief Innovation Officer, University of Texas Austin

Philip Long | Chief Innovation Officer, University of Texas Austin

Current Position and Past Experience
Phillip Long currently serves as Chief Innovation Officer and the Associate Vice Provost for Learning Science at the University of Texas Austin, where he works on Project 2021. Concurrently, Long teaches at the Institute for Teaching and Learning Innovation at the University of Queensland, where he spent a year as the Executive Director of Innovation and Analytics.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Long earned his AB in Psychobiology from UC Santa Cruz and his PhD in Biology from Pennsylvania State University.

Long was accepted as a NIMH Post-Doctoral Fellow in Reproductive Endocrinology from Rutgers at the State University of New Jersey and later served as a Fellow in Medical Informatics at the National Library of Medicine.

You can connect with Long through LinkedIn and on Twitter @RadHertz.

Articles by this author:

Corporate learning engine