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Paulina Nozka | Career Education and Coaching Manager, Smith School of Business, Queen's University

Paulina Nozka | Career Education and Coaching Manager, Smith School of Business, Queen's University

Current Position and Past Experience
Paulina Nozka is a Career Education and Coaching Manager at Smith School of Business at Queen's University. Previously, she was the Lead Career Consultant at the TMU Career Centre and Career Consultant for The G. Raymond Chang School of Continuing Education at Toronto Metropolitan University. She played a key role in expanding the Career Centre's offering, in particular working with international students and new Canadians on cultural adaptation in the work place. Nozka regularly presents at national and international conferences in Canada, Japan and the United States on careers, cultural adaptability and education.

Nozka brings over a decade of national and international experience in both the public and private sectors as an educator and management consultant. She has carried out needs assessments, designed and developed innovative strategic and learning solutions for culturally diverse learners in Canada, France, England, Japan and Poland. Her experience includes working with individuals and groups to assist them in their career exploration, planning and job search process as well as the areas of organizational training, human resources, risk management and strategic planning.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Nozka holds an Honours Bachelor of Science degree in Psychology from McMaster University, a Bachelor of Education degree from OISE/University of Toronto and an International MBA from the Schulich School of Business focusing on Strategic Management. A strong believer in lifelong learning, she has completed a number of other courses, including an Adult Education course at the University of Cambridge’s Institute of Continuing Education.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
For 15 years, Nozka has volunteered with the community radio program, CFMU 93.3, co-hosting a program promoting the core values of diversity, inclusion and integrity. She is also the Chair of the Higher Education Affairs Committee of the Canada-Poland Chamber of Commerce of Toronto.

Paulina Nozka can be found on LinkedIn.

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