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Paula Nissen | Workforce Preparation and Education Consultant in the Community College and Workforce Preparation Division, Iowa Department of Education

Paula Nissen | Workforce Preparation and Education Consultant in the Community College and Workforce Preparation Division, Iowa Department of Education

Current Position and Past Experience
Paula is Lead Education Program Consultant for Iowa Department of Education and Outreach Liaison for the Community College and Workforce Preparation Division since 2014, specializing in workforce preparation and education outcomes research. This innovative research brings together multiple data sources and requires community and government partners work together toward a common set of goals and priorities. She is also a member of the Board of Directors for the National Council for Workforce Education (NCWE).

Prior to her current position she was the Bureau Chief for Iowa Workforce Development’s (IWD) Regional Research & Analysis Bureau for 15 years. She was responsible for the development and dissemination of products and services which benefit business and community development efforts across the State of Iowa. She developed regional and industry specific customized products and services while incorporating local and regional labor market data to produce data-driven documentation.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Nissen attended Southeastern Oklahoma State University and studied Accounting and is a graduate of the University of Oklahoma’s Economic Development Institute. She also is a Certified Public Manager, which she received from Drake University.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Prior to working for state government, she spent more than 15 years managing businesses, determining market trends and training management professionals.

She has assisted legislators and policy makers with research efforts and has personally lobbied the Iowa Legislature and was able to encourage passage of legislation under two different governors (one from each political party). She has received recognition for customized unique research and was awarded the Excellence in Economic Development award from the International Economic Development Council. For pleasure, Paula likes to travel to warm places with her family, watch football, and ride her Harley.

You can connect with Paula on LinkedIn

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