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Author Profile

Paul Czarapata | President, Kentucky Community and Technical College System

Paul Czarapata | President, Kentucky Community and Technical College System

Current Position and Past Experience
Paul Czarapata is currently Interim President at Kentucky Community and Technical College System (KCTCS). He is also the Vice President and Chief Information Officer and has been serving in these roles since 2011. Prior, he was the director of entreprise systems before stepping into the role of Chief Technology Officer. While at KCTCS, he was also an Adjunct Faculty at the University of Cumberlands, and Adjunct Faculty at Bluegrass Community and Technical College.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Paul Czarapata holds a Doctor of Education in Educational Technology, as well as a Masters in Business Administration and Management from Morehead State University. He also has a Bachelor of Science in Operations Management and Information Systems from Northern Inninois University.


• Inducted into the Higher Education User Group (HEUG) Hall of Fame, 2019

• Honored as Computerworld Premier 100 Technology Leaders, 2017

• Honored as Microsoft Lync Technical Applications Program Contributor, 2010

Paul has been serving on the IMS Global Board of Directors since 2016.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Paul loves to golf with his middle-school son Alex and is an avid Chicago sports fan (Bears, White Sox, Bulls, Blackhawks, no Cubs!). Paul is involved with several local professional and fundraising boards.

You can connect with Paul on LinkedIn

Articles by this author:

Avoiding summer melt