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Author Profile

Patty Milner | Assistant Vice Provost of Innovation and Online Student Experience, University of Arkansas

Patty Milner | Assistant Vice Provost of Innovation and Online Student Experience, University of Arkansas

Current Position and Past Experience
Patty Milner is currently Assistant Vice Provost of Innovation and Online Student Experience at University of Arkansas and has been in the position since January 2024. She has served in various roles at the University of Arkansas over the last seven years including Assistant Vice Provost for Student Outreach and Innovation, and Director of Recruitment and Outreach for Online Programs. Prior, she served as the Director of Extended Studies at Colorado State University-Pueblo, a School Board Member at Pueblo City Schools, and was an Organizational Leadership Instructor at Colorado State University Global.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Milner holds a Doctor of Philosophy in Educational Leadership, Research and Policy from University of Colorado Springs. She also holds a Master of Arts in Political Science and Government from University of Colorado Denver, and a Bachelor of Arts in Communication from Sterling College.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Outside of work, Milner is a serial crafter and particularly loves to make things with textiles including sewing, knitting and crocheting. In the spring and summer, she can often be found in the garden tending flowers and vegetables. She is actively involved in the community, particularly with programs that focus on mentoring and building vibrant and diverse communities.

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Driving modern student success in higher ed