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Author Profile

Pat Shea | Director of Academic Leadership Initiatives, WICHE

Pat Shea | Director of Academic Leadership Initiatives, WICHE

Current Position and Past Experience
Pat Shea is the Director of Academic Leadership Initiatives at Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education (WICHE). Prior to that position, Shea served as an Assistant Director of WCET, also based at WICHE. Earlier in Shea’s career, she worked as a Manager for Special Projects for the National School Boards Association and the Director of Information Services at the Association of Telemessaging Services International. Shea also took on the role of Executive Director for the Alexandria Bar Association.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Shea earned her AB in Art and English Education from West Virginia University and her MA in Educational Administration and Supervision from George Mason University. Shea is a former Fulbright Scholar to Belgium and Holland in art history.

You can connect with Pat Shea on her LinkedIn profile.

Articles by this author:

Avoiding summer melt