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Author Profile

Param Bedi | Vice President for Library and Information Technology, Bucknell University

Param Bedi | Vice President for Library and Information Technology, Bucknell University

Current Position and Past Experience
Param Bedi is the Vice President for Library and Information Technology at Bucknell University and has been at Bucknell University since 2008. Before joining Bucknell, Bedi spent eight years as the Vice President for Technology and Library and Chief Information Officer at Arcadia University, where he also taught finance, management information systems, math and educational technology as an Adjunct Faculty Member.

Bedi participates within his community by being on the editorial board for the Bucknell University Press and the board of Keystone Initiative for Network Based Education and Research.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Bedi earned his BS with honors in Management from Delhi University and his MS in Management Information Systems from Temple University. He also earned his MBA in Finance from Temple University’s Fox School of Business and Management.

You can connect to Bedi through LinkedIn or on the Bucknell University website. Bedi is also on Twitter @parambedi.

Articles by this author:

The EvoLLLution Year in Review