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Pamela Wimbush | Dean of the College of Continuing Education, California State University-Sacramento

Pamela Wimbush | Dean of the College of Continuing Education, California State University-Sacramento

Current Position and Past Experience
Pam Wimbush is currently Dean of the College of Continuing Education, California State University-Sacramento. Previously she was Associate Dean of Program Success and Organizational Excellence for four years. She began her career as a LMS Administrator at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill for nine years before stepping into the role of Director of Technology Applications Center at Northern Virginia Community College. She then moved to John Hopkins University where she was Director of Instructional Resource Center and Online Learning. She was also Assistant Dean of University College and Director of HamptonU Online.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Wimbush holds a Master’s degree in Distance Education and a Master’s in Management from the University of Maryland Global Campus.

Articles by this author:

The EvoLLLution Year in Review