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Author Profile

Pam Northrup | Vice President Research and Strategic Innovation and CEO of the UWF Innovation Institute, University of West Florida

Pam Northrup | Vice President Research and Strategic Innovation and CEO of the UWF Innovation Institute, University of West Florida

Current Position and Past Experience
Pam Northrup currently serves as a Senior Associate Provost and CEO of the Innovation Institute at the University of West Florida. Northrup has taught at the University of West Florida for 17 years as a Professor of Instructional Technology and in 2010-2013, was appointed Dean of the College of Professional Studies and Associate Provost of Academic Innovation.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Northrup earned her B.S. in Elementary Education from the University of Florida and her Ph.D in Educational Research and Instructional Systems from Florida State University.

Northrup was awarded the ACHE Distinguished Credit Program for Mobile Distance Learning for Military Education Sloan-C award for her work with Studio e, a professional development program teaching online learning to faculty.

You can connect with Pam Northrup via LinkedIn and on Twitter @PamNorthrup1.

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Avoiding summer melt