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Author Profile

Nik Osborne | Chief of Staff, Indiana University

Nik Osborne | Chief of Staff, Indiana University

Current Position and Past Experience
Nik Osborne serves as advisor and key representative to the Office of the Vice President for Information Technology (OVPIT) and CIO at Indiana University, a position he has held since 2010. He leads Indiana University’s University Information Technology Services (UITS) Communication Office that provides university-wide communication services for UITS and OVPIT, and is responsible for leading IU's eTexts Initiative which includes managing negotiations with publishers and implementing the initiative on IU's eight campuses. Prior to that, Osborne spent two years as an Employee Relations Specialist in the Human Resources department at IU. This followed his time working as an Associate Attorney at Andrews, Harrell, Mann, Carmin and Parker.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Osborne holds a B.S. in Business Law from Indiana University - Kelley School of Business, and a J.D. from Indiana University – Maurer School of Law, both in Bloomington, Indiana.

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