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Nicholas Vaught | Interim Assistant Dean for Academics and Student Success at the College of Interdisciplinary and Continuing Studies, Morgan State University

Nicholas Vaught | Interim Assistant Dean for Academics and Student Success at the College of Interdisciplinary and Continuing Studies, Morgan State University

Current Position and Past Experience
Nicholas Vaught is the Interim Assistant Dean for Academics and Student Success at the College of Interdisciplinary and Continuing Studies at Morgan State University. He is also the Director of Applied Liberal Studies at Morgan. Previously, Vaught was the Assistant Director of Curriculum in the School of Education at Johns Hopkins University. Additionally, he served as the Assistant Director of Center for Integrative and Experiential Learning at the University of South Carolina (formerly USC Connect).

Education, Honors and Achievements
Vaught is earning his EdD in Education Leadership; Higher Education Administration from Frostburg State University. He has a Master of Science in Education and a Bachelor of Science in Philosophy and Religious Studies from Radford University.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Vaught is the proud father of two boys, Arthur and Teddy. He is also an avid runner and homebrewer. In his limited spare time, he volunteers at his church, Old St. Paul’s Episcopal Church in Baltimore, Maryland.

You can connect with Nicholas Vaught on LinkedIn

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Avoiding summer melt