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Neil Trotta | Assistant Dean of the School of Graduate Studies, Fisher College

Neil Trotta | Assistant Dean of the School of Graduate Studies, Fisher College

Current Position and Past Experience
Dr. Neil Trotta is the Assistant Dean at the School of Graduate Studies and the MBA Program Director at Fisher College. Trotta has worked at Fisher College since 2004. He started out as Campus Director and moved to Director of Division of Continuing Education Operations. This followed a role as the Dean of Accelerated and Professional Studies and School of Health Professions before taking on his current role. Trotta is also a veteran of the United States Airforce and serves as the veteran liaison for Fisher College.

Before working in the academic field, Trotta had a career in the corporate world for 10 years in Sales and Marketing Management.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Trotta earned his BS in Business Administration and his MBA from Western New England University. Trotta went on to earn his EdD in Higher Education Leadership from Nova Southeastern University.

You can connect with Trotta through LinkedIn and on the Fisher College website. He’s also on Twitter @DocT_edD.

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