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Narren Brown | Vice President of Research and Institutional Effectiveness, South Central College

Narren Brown | Vice President of Research and Institutional Effectiveness, South Central College

Current Position and Past Experience
Narren Brown currently serves as Vice President of Research and Institutional Effectiveness at South Central College and has been with the institution since 2016. Prior, they were at Grinnell College for nearly five years. Some of the roles there include Associate Director of the Center for Teaching Learning and Assessment, Director of Intercultural Strategic Analysis and Engagement, as well as Assistant Director of Analytic Support and Institutional Research. Brown also served as a research assistant at Iowa State University.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Brown holds a Doctor of Philosophy in Educational Leadership and Policy Studies and a Master of Arts in Political Science from Iowa State University. They also have a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science from Luther College.

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Articles by this author:

The EvoLLLution Year in Review