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Monty Sullivan | President, Louisiana Community and Technical College System

Monty Sullivan | President, Louisiana Community and Technical College System

Current Position and Past Experience
Since 2014, Dr. Monty Sullivan has served as the President of the Louisiana Community and Technical College System (LCTCS). Prior to being appointed President, Sullivan was the Chancellor of Delgado Community College in New Orleans. In 2005, Sullivan served at Virginia Community College System as the Vice Chancellor of Academic Services and Research, and following this, Interim President of Eastern Shore Community College. From 2001-2005, Sullivan was the Vice Chancellor of Academic services and Student Affairs at Louisiana Delta Community College. Sullivan also worked at Louisiana Tech University as Director of the Center for Rural Development and as Director of Continuing Education at Louisiana State University.

Though Sullivan has spent the majority of his career in Louisiana, from 2005-2009 he moved to the Virginia Community College System where he served as Vice Chancellor of Academic and Research and as Interim President, before returning to Louisiana via Delgado Community College.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Sullivan earned his B.A. in Political Science and his M.Ed. in English Education from Louisiana Tech University. Sullivan also earned his Ed.D in Curriculum and Instruction from Louisiana Tech University.

You can find Monty Sullivan via LinkedIn and on Twitter @LCTCSPresident.

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Avoiding summer melt