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Mohamed Markar | Founder and President, Center for Professional Education Incorporated

Mohamed Markar | Founder and President, Center for Professional Education Incorporated

Current Position and Past Experience
Mohamed Markar is Founder and President of the Center for Professional Education Incorporated (CPE INC.), an acclaimed provider of continuing education programs for financial professionals. For more than three decades, Markar has initiated cutting-edge courses for a wide range of industries, employing the best speakers and instructors from the worlds of accounting, tax and business to ensure the latest knowledge and updates are always available. Each year, his company conducts over 2,000 seminars, conferences, webcasts and self-study programs on topics ranging from regulatory compliance, to derivatives accounting, to individual and corporate taxation, and hosts events nationally and internationally.

You can connect with Mohamed Marker on LinkedIn.
To learn more about the Center for Professional Education, visit their website.

Articles by this author:

Corporate learning engine