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Author Profile

Michelle Stiles | Associate Dean of Administration and Chief Administrative Officer for Extension, UC Los Angeles

Michelle Stiles | Associate Dean of Administration and Chief Administrative Officer for Extension, UC Los Angeles

Current Position and Past Experience
Michelle Stiles is Associate Dean of Administration and Chief Administrative Officer at UCLA Extension. As such, she is responsible for all administrative and business functions of Extension. She has been with Extension since March 2000, serving as Director of Budget and Financial Services, prior to her appointment as Associate Dean in 2009. Her tenure has also included stints as Associate Dean of Academic Affairs and Interim Dean of Extension.

Dean Stiles has extensive administrative experience in both the private and public sectors. She has also co-authored a chapter on meeting the needs of commuter, part-time, transfer and returning students, which was included in the book Student Engagement in Higher Education and presented a paper on the sources of impact on older women undergraduates’ identity development.

Education, Honors and Achievements
She has master’s degrees in Library and Information Science from San Jose State University and Public Administration from CSU Fullerton, and she holds a doctorate in Educational Leadership (EdD) from the University of Southern California.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
As a former librarian, Michelle enjoys reading in her spare time. She also enjoys walking, hiking and travel.

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Avoiding summer melt