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Author Profile

Michelle Rable | University Registrar, Bowling Green State University

Current Position and Past Experience
An accomplished professional, University Registrar Michelle Rable, possesses over 25 years of higher education experience. As University Registrar she is oversees department resources and staff responsible for degree audit systems, curriculum and scheduling, maintaining academic records, graduation and student information system support. Her primary responsibilities include strategic management of registration, academic records, transfer evaluations and graduation. Prior to her arrival at BGSU, Michelle served as Vice President of Enrollment and Assistant Vice President of Institutional Research, Dean of Undergraduate Enrollment, Registrar, Accreditation Liaison Officer to the Higher Learning Commission, and as an Adjunct Instructor. She has steered an increase in enrollment, cultivated strategic partnerships with public and private higher education institutions, and oversaw graduate and undergraduate enrollment. Michelle has implemented and developed several database systems, created retention tracking programs, and collaborated with administration and mid-level management to improve efficiencies and maximize outcomes.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Michelle earned a Master of Business Administration from the University of Findlay and a Bachelor of Arts in Communications from The University of Toledo.
A respected professional, Michelle has presented nationally on a variety of topics including analytics usability, transfer articulation, educational pipelines, and retention. She currently holds American Association of Collegiate Registrar’s and Admissions Officers and is Past-President and Past Treasurer of the Ohio Association of Collegiate Registrar’s and Admissions Officers.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Outside of work Michelle enjoys gardening and spending time her family. They have 5 acres, and plant several big gardens. They also have apple and pear trees, along with a small “vineyard”! Recently, they tried making their own wine. This is really an art, and every time they learn something new. They recently brought chickens into the mix, creating several funny memories of running and chasing them around the yard! Michelle is married and has 2 sons. Kyle is married (Kristen) and is pursuing his Ph.D. in History at Texas Tech, and Jacob is in his 3rd year of Electrical Engineering at The University of Toledo.

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