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Michelle Newman | Associate Provost and University Registrar, American Public University System

Michelle Newman | Associate Provost and University Registrar, American Public University System

Current Position and Past Experience
Michelle Newman is the Associate Provost and University Registrar for the American Public University System.

As University Registrar, Michelle oversees the appeals, catalog, conferrals, disability services, registrar services, and transfer credit teams. During her American Public University System career, she has grown the academic advising team from 12 to over 80 members and led her team in defining the academic advising needs of an online adult learner. As Registrar, she helped her team develop processes that supported additional conferral opportunities and remove obstacles in completion of their academic goals. Additionally, she has helped the institution implement policy governance and processes to promote and support a student-centric environment.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Michelle earned her PhD from Walden University in Management with a focus in Learning and Knowledge Management.

She also holds a Master’s in Management from American Military University, a Master’s in Philosophy from Walden University, and a Bachelor’s from George Mason University in Sociology.

She is a member of several organizations; AACROA, The Academy of Management, National Society of Leadership and Success, CCME, and Golden Key International Honor Society.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Michelle is very active in her church, where she is a past president of the Women’s Choir; during her time as president the choir had 130 members. She is also a member of the Recording Choir who has recorded music and performed across the US to include at the Kennedy Center in Washington DC.

You can connect with Michelle Newman on LinkedIn

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