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Michelle Hawley | Director of Statewide Workforce Advancement and Initiatives, Maine Community College System

Michelle Hawley | Director of Statewide Workforce Advancement and Initiatives, Maine Community College System

Current Position and Past Experience
Michelle Hawley, MS, is the Director of Statewide Workforce Advancement and Initiatives for the Maine Community College (MCCS) Harold Alfond Center for the Advancement of Maine’s Workforce. Michelle is the grant project manager for the $15.5 million Harold Alfond Foundation (HAF) grant. She developed the architecture of the center’s data collection and the processes and procedures for the HAF grant. Michelle has worked within the MCCS for the past 28 years, 26 of which were at Central Maine Community College. 2013-2017, Michelle served as the grant project manager for a $13 million Maine is IT! consortium grant awarded in round three of the U.S. DOL/Employment and Training Administration Trade Adjustment Assistance Community College and Career Training (TAACCCT). Michelle also served as the Dean of Workforce and Professional Development before moving into her current role.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Hawley holds a Instructional Designer Certificate Program from Online Learning Consortium and Open SUNY, Adult and Higher Education, MS, from the University of Southern Maine. She also holds a BS in Leadership and Organizational Studies from the University of Southern Maine and Business Administration and Management, AAS, from Central Maine Community College.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Hawley is apart of Lewiston Auburn Metropolitan Chamber of Commerce, Board of Directors (2019-present), Membership Committee Chair (2023), Business Advocacy Committee (2017-present), State of Maine Workforce System Coordination Committee (2022-present). She was previously a part of Strengthen LA, Executive Committee (2020-2021) and Central Western Maine Workforce Development Board (2017-2021). In 2016, she was named Central Maine Community College Staff Member of the Year. She enjoys traveling, camping, reading, theater, trying new restaurants, and music.

You can connect with Michelle on LinkedIn

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Avoiding summer melt