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Author Profile

Michele Braun | Project Coordinator, Southern Alberta Institute of Technology

Michele Braun | Project Coordinator, Southern Alberta Institute of Technology

Current Position and Past Experience

Michele Braun is currently Project Coordinator at Southern Alberta Institute of Technology (SAIT). She is also Principal at WorkLore Inc. She is also an instructor at the Alberta University of the Arts, Mount Royal University, University of Calgary, SAIT, and University Canada West. Prior, she was Director of Continuing Education and Partner Solutions at Norquest College. She has also been the Director of Operations at Strategic Group.

Education, Honors and Achievements

Braun holds an MBA, an BSc in Biology, along with an MA and BA in English Literature from the University of Calgary. She also has a PhD in English Literature from Northeastern University.

Personal Details and Community Involvement

Braun is a Communications and Fund Development Volunteer at CanPraxis. She is the Editor of Can You Hear Me? Stories from the Arc (working title). She is a hiker, runner, and amateur pickle ball player, is an avid international traveller and campervan-er.

Articles by this author:

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