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Author Profile

Micheal Lewis | Assistant Director of Evening Campus Admissions, Columbia College

Micheal Lewis | Assistant Director of Evening Campus Admissions, Columbia College

Current Position and Past Experience
Micheal Lewis currently serves as an Assistant Director for the evening campus admissions department at Columbia College, in Columbia, MO. Lewis participates in a wide variety of recruitment, community relations and marketing functions for the college where his primary role is to help nontraditional students continue their education. Previously, Lewis was an Admissions Counselor, and Campus Admissions Manager for the college.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Lewis earned his B.S. in Business Administration from Columbia College in 2011. He is currently pursuing his MBA with an emphasis in Public Administration from Lincoln University with an anticipated graduation in 2017.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
When Micheal isn’t dropping admissions knowledge on anyone in need he enjoys tech gadgets, adult coloring books and wearing too much cologne.

You can connect with Michael Lewis through his LinkedIn profile, and his numerous contributions at the career and workplace blog Ready. Aim. Hire.

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