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Author Profile

Michael K. Moore | Chief Academic and Operating Officer, University of Arkansas System eVersity

Michael K. Moore | Chief Academic and Operating Officer, University of Arkansas System eVersity

Current Position and Past Experience
Dr. Michael K. Moore is an award-winning distance education professor and recognized leader of online programming. With extensive experience in building, launching and managing innovative online degree programs, Moore’s driving passion is to broaden access to high-quality, affordable education opportunities supported by a strong, student-centered support model that recognizes the unique needs of each student.

Prior to founding eVersity, Moore served as a faculty member and administrator at the University of Texas at Arlington.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Dr. Moore holds as B.A in Political Science from Washburn University and an M.A and Ph.D. in Political Science from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.

You can connect with Moore on Twitter @mkmoore65.

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