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Michael Budke | Program Coordinator for Corrections Education, Chemeketa Community College

Michael Budke | Program Coordinator for Corrections Education, Chemeketa Community College

Current Position and Past Experience
Michael Budke is currently the Program Coordinator for Corrections Education at Chemeketa Community College. Michael Budke leads the College Inside program in Salem, OR. Operating out of Oregon State Penitentiary, Santiam Correctional Institution, and Oregon State Correctional Institution, the program has produced 293 graduates in the following majors: Associate of Applied Science in Automotive Technology, Associate of General Studies, Associate of Arts Oregon Transfer, Associate of Science Oregon Transfer in Business, and a Certificate in Computer Assisted Drafting. Previously, he worked for seven years in the Financial Aid Office at Linn-Benton Community College.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Budke completed his undergraduate education at Oregon State University and holds a Master's of Science in Management and Organizational Leadership from Warner Pacific University.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
I enjoy spending time with my wife and 12 month old daughter (that keeps me busy). I'm an avid sports fan and regularly attend sporting events at one of my Alma Maters, Oregon State University. I'm proud of the fact that a sizable group of friends and I have found time to camp together every summer for the past 20 years. Other hobbies of mine include running, working out, and brewing beer.

You can connect with Michael on Twitter

Articles by this author:

Avoiding summer melt