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Meena Naik | Program Director for Career Connect, University of North Texas

Meena Naik | Program Director for Career Connect, University of North Texas

Current Position and Past Experience
Meena Naik is currently Program Director for Career Connect at the University of North Texas and has been with the institution since 2014. She brings over a decade of experience in a variety of roles in higher education: all centered on supporting student learning, success, and value of education. In her current role, she serves as the UNT marketable skills credential program and CLR architect. Prior to shifting focus to credential and CLR projects, she supported faculty with their implementation of high-impact practices and service-learning through individual consults as well as asynchronous, online, course (re)design programs during her time as the Faculty and Staff Development Coordinator with Career Connect. Previously, she has served as the Associate Director of UNT’s Learning Center; and served as the Assistant Coordinator and Interim Coordinator for retention and student success programs, and Program Assistant in the Dean of Students office at UC San Diego.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Naik is currently a Doctoral Candidate in Educational Psychology at the University of North Texas. She holds a Master of Science in Higher Education Administration and Student Development and Affairs from Drexel University, as well as a Bachelor of Science in Physiology and Neuroscience from the University of California, San Diego.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Meena spends her time buried in books and volunteering within in a variety of roles in the Shia Ismaili Muslim community supporting programming for college students, and offers her time to projects related to instructional design, training program development, and scaling national approaches for asset-based community development. If she can escape her work, volunteer, and student life, she enjoys thru hiking, swimming, and boxing.

You can connect with Meena on LinkedIn

Articles by this author:

The EvoLLLution Year in Review