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Maurits van Rooijen | Chief Academic Officer, Global University Systems

Maurits van Rooijen | Chief Academic Officer, Global University Systems

Current Position and Past Experience
Professor Dr. Maurits van Rooijen is Chief Academic Officer of Global University Systems as well as Rector of London School of Business & Finance and of GISMA (Germany). He has held senior management positions at various universities such as Leiden University, Erasmus University Rotterdam, Westminster University in London UK, Victoria University in Melbourne Australia. Previously he was Chief Executive and Rector Magnificus at Nyenrode University.

Professor van Rooijen is Co-Chairman of WACE (based at UMass Lowell, promoting work-integrated learning), Chairman of the High Council of garagErasmus (based in Torino Italy, promoting talent mobility and transnational entrepreneurship in Europe), vice-president of EAN (London based, promoting widening participation for underrepresented groups in tertiary education), immediate past president of the Compostela Group of Universities (based in Santiago de Compostela, Spain).

Education, Honors and Achievements
Dr. van Rooijen earned his doctorate in economic history and geography from Ultrecht University in 1981.

In recognition of his innovative work and achievements in especially international education, in 2013 Professor van Rooijen received the Victor Meldrum prize for Leadership and Vision (EAIE) and in 2015 he received the Golden Insignia of the Universidad de Santiago de Compostela.

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