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Author Profile

Matt Robinson | Program Services Manager for Extension, UC Los Angeles

Matt Robinson | Program Services Manager for Extension, UC Los Angeles

Current Position and Past Experience
Matt Robinson currently serves as a Program Services Manager at UC Los Angeles Extension. Prior to stepping into his current role, Robinson was the Principal Policy Analyst for the Academic Senate at UCLA. This followed two years at UC Santa Cruz as a Committee Analyst for the Academic Senate. Earlier in his career, Robinson held numerous teaching roles in the Baltimore City Public Schools. From 2009-2011, Robinson was a Corps Member and Teacher for Teach for America.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Matt earned his BA in Philosophy, Politics, and the Public from Xavier University and his MA in Teaching from Johns Hopkins University School of Education.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Matt is an avid sports fan and enjoys the variety of sports and theater events in the Los Angeles area. He also loves to run with his dog (a boxer named Jobin) and play softball on the weekends. He is fairly new to continuing education but has really enjoyed working in this dynamic space and hopes to have a long career in it.

You can connect with Robinson through LinkedIn.

Articles by this author:

Avoiding summer melt