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Author Profile

Matt Keowen | Vice President of Marketing, Guidebook

Matt Keowen | Vice President of Marketing, Guidebook

Current Position and Past Experience
Matt Keowen is the Vice President of Marketing at Guidebook Inc. Keowen has nearly 30 years of experience in technology companies and is well versed in higher ed mobile technology strategies. Prior to his current role, Keowen worked at companies like Twilio, Recommind, Ikanos, Nuance

Education, Honors and Achievements
Keowen earned his BA in English from Santa Clara University.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Keowen is an avid writer and blogger, cook, runner and parent. In his spare time, he chases his children from volleyball tournament to tournament.

You can connect with Keowen through LinkedIn and follow @guidebook on Twitter. To learn more about Guidebook, please click here.

Articles by this author:

Avoiding summer melt