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Mary Papazian | President, San Jose State University

Mary Papazian | President, San Jose State University

Current Position and Past Experience
Mary Papazian is currently President of San Jose State University and has been in this position since 2016. She has remained focused on strengthening communication among campus leaders, students, faculty and staff.

Notable milestones since Dr. Papazian’s appointment include the groundbreakingfor the Interdisciplinary Science Building—the first new SJSU academic building in 30 years—and approval of plans to build a Science Park. She spearheaded a series of Town Hall events hosted by SJSU’s Institute for the Study of Sport, Society and Social Change, launched a full renovation of the South Campus Athletics Fields, developed the East Side Promise [pdf] program to support talented local students, and, working collaboratively with the university community, launched a ten-year strategic plan, Transformation 2030, that positions SJSU for long-term excellence in the 21st century in the nation’s tenth largest city.

Before coming to San José State, Dr. Papazian served as president of Southern Connecticut State University in New Haven, Connecticut, for nearly five years. Previously, Papazian was provost and senior vice president for Academic Affairs at Lehman College of The City University of New York for five years, where she managed a $70 million budget that supported 450 full-time faculty members and 200 staff members serving more than 14,000 students in the Bronx.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Papazian holds a Doctor of Philosophy and Bachelor of Arts in English Literature from the University of California, Los Angeles.

You can connect with Mary on LinkedIn

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