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Martin Tadlock | Interim Regional Chancellor, University of South Florida St. Petersburg

Martin Tadlock | Interim Regional Chancellor, University of South Florida St. Petersburg

Current Position and Past Experience
Since September 2017, Dr. Martin Tadlock has served as Interim Regional Chancellor and Regional Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs at the University of South Floria St. Petersburg, where he is responsible for all academic affairs at USF St. Petersburg. He has been with the University of South Florida St. Petersburg since July 2016. From 2012 to 2016, Dr. Tadlock served as Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs at Bemidji State University. For five years, Tadlock served as Dean of the College of Professional Studies and School of Graduate Studies at Bemidji State University. Before joining Bemidji State University, Tadlock served as the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs at Northeastern State University and as Interim President. Prior to Tadlock’s experience at Northeastern State University, he served as Assistant Vice Chancellor at UW Oshkosh for three years.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Tadlock earned his B.S. in Geography and English and his M.Ed. in Educational Administration from Utah State University. Tadlock earned his Ph.D. in Educational Leadership and Administration from Miami University.

In 2014, Tadlock was awarded the Innovation in Global Education Award from the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities System.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Martin enjoys biking for recreation and exercise, spoiling grandchildren, and working with community groups to address issues of homelessness, poverty, and globalization of the workforce.

You can find Martin Tadlock on LinkedIn and at @martintadlock

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