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Marni Baker-Stein | Provost and Chief Academic Officer, Western Governors University

Marni Baker-Stein | Provost and Chief Academic Officer, Western Governors University

Current Position and Past Experience
Dr. Marni Baker Stein serves as Provost and Chief Academic Officer of Western Governors University. She develops and implements programs that improve student access and success in higher education. Prior, she was Chief Innovation Officer of the University of Texas System for four years. From 1998-2010 she was at the University of Pennsylvania. Some of her roles there included Director of Program Developent, Distance Learning, and a curriculum coordinator.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Baker-Stein holds a Bachelor of Science in French and Economics, and a Master of Arts in Speech Communication and TESOL from Penn State University. She also has a Doctor of Philosophy in Educational Leadership from the University of Pennsylvania.

You can connect with Marni on LinkedIn

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