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Author Profile

Marlyn Husbands | Learning Centre Facilitator, Centennial College

Marlyn Husbands | Learning Centre Facilitator, Centennial College

Current Position and Past Experience
Since 2012, Marlyn Husbands has been the Learning Centre Facilitator at Centennial College. This followed her five years as a Learning Strategist at Ryerson University. She also taught online for a year at Durham College.

Before entering the higher education industry, Husbands spent two years as a Learning and Development Specialist with Sun Life Financial.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Marlyn earned her BAA in Administration and Information Management from Ryerson University. She earned her BEd from Brock University in Adult Education and her MA in Education from Central Michigan University.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Marlyn served as an adult literacy tutor with the Toronto Public Library system for three years, and volunteered with the Metro Toronto Movement for Literacy in 2005. She also served as the keynote speaker for the Adult Literacy Tutor Conference hosted by the Toronto Public Library in 2012.

Articles by this author:

The EvoLLLution Year in Review