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Mark Rimar | Director of Web Services, Saint Louis University

Mark Rimar | Director of Web Services, Saint Louis University

Current Position and Past Experience
Mark Rimar is currently Director of Web Services at Saint Louis University where he has worked for 25+ years. Mark has been a web developer for 20+ years and has managed SLU’s content management systems for 16 years. Mark regularly presents at conferences regarding content management and web governance.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Rimar holds a Bachelor of Arts from Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville, School of Fine Arts and Communications, 1995.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Outside of work Mark enjoys coaching an involvement in youth sports including, basketball, baseball and soccer and traveling with his family. Flying to a destination is always great, but traveling by car allows you to experience many things that are difficult to visit if you fly to your destination.

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