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Mark McConahay | Associate Vice Provost and Registrar, Indiana University

Mark McConahay | Associate Vice Provost and Registrar, Indiana University

Current Position and Past Experience
Mark McConahay is currently Associate Vice Provost and Registrar at Indiana University Bloomington. In his role, he is responsible for the operations for the Registrar, Financial Assistance, Technology support and the campuses one stop student Center Student Central. Prior to his current role, he served as Senior Associate Registrar for 21 years. He has also served as the Vice President for Information Technology for AACRAO (American Association for Collegiate Registrars and Admission Officers) and in multiple roles on the Board for CUMREC (College and University Computers Users Association). He also served as Director or co-director of AACRAO’s Technology and Transfer Conference for 8 years.

Education, Honors and Achievements
McConahay holds a Master of Science in Environmental Science and a Bachelor of Arts in Mathematics from Indiana University Bloomington.

Indiana ACRAO – Distinguished Service Award (2019)

AACRAO Thomas A. Bilger Award (2018)

Best Paper Award/Presentation, The Expanded Grade Context Record at Indiana University, CUMREC - The Higher Education Administrative Technology Conference, May 1999.

Award for the Best Practices in Higher Education Information Resources/Poster Session Presenter, The Grade Context Record at Indiana University, Transforming Education through Information Technology (EDUCAUSE), 1998

Best Paper Award/Presentation, the Automated Course Exchange at Indiana University, College and University Computer Users Group (CUMREC), 1996

Best Practice Award/Presentation, Automated Course Exchange, Association for the Management of Information Technology in Higher Education (CAUSE), 1995.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Mark is an avid skier and hiker and attempts to play the bass (bass guitar and double bass) on a regular basis. Mark also enjoys his four children and grandchild.

You can connect with Mark on LinkedIn, Facebook or Twitter

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