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Author Profile

Mark Farrell | Head of the Graduate School of Business and Law, RMIT University

Mark Farrell | Head of the Graduate School of Business and Law, RMIT University

Current Position and Past Experience
Since 2012, Mark Farrell has served as the Head of the Graduate School of Business and Law at RMIT University (the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology). Concurrently, Farrell serves as a Director at the University of Lucerne in Switzerland and was formerly an Advisory Board Member at the SP Jain School of Global Management.

From 1991 until 2012, Farrell served in a number of roles at Charles Sturt University, starting out as a Lecturer in Marketing and moving on to serve as the Head of School in International Business, then as the Director of Graduate Business Programs and the Head of Graduate School of Management. Following this, Farrell was the MBA Director, the Sub-Dean of Marketing and then the Associate Dean in Research and Marketing for the Faculty of Arts. For several years in between, Farrell served as Visiting Professor at Berner Fachhochschule in Switzerland.

Farrell has co-authored many articles and journals in publications such as the European Journal of Marketing, International Journal of Research in Marketing, Industrial Marketing Management and the Journal of Strategic Marketing. Mark and John A. Davis are co-authors of the book “The Market Oriented University: Transforming Higher Education,”

Education, Honors and Achievements
Farrell earned his BA in Politics with International Studies from the University of Warwick and his MSc in Marketing from the University of Manchester. Farrell also earned a Diploma in Marketing from the Chartered Institute of Marketing and earned a PhD in Marketing from Monash University, Australia.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Outside of work, Farrell enjoys watching Manchester United, and suffers watching the England football team. He is married to Maria, and is the proud father of three daughters, Ann, Sarah and Isabell. The other males in the household are Charlie and Harry, (dogs) and Milo (cat).

You can connect with Mark Farrell via LinkedIn and on Twitter @MarkAFarrell.

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