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Margaret Moodian | Tutorial Assistant Professor of Humanities and Social Sciences, Brandman University

Margaret Moodian | Tutorial Assistant Professor of Humanities and Social Sciences, Brandman University

Current Position and Past Experience
Dr. Margaret Moodian is a tutorial assistant professor of humanities and social sciences at Brandman University. In her role she has developed several CBE competencies, she serves on Program Council and the Brandman Alumni Board as a faculty representative. She also sits on doctoral dissertation committees and serves on the board of Tias Arms, which is a nonprofit dedicated to assisting children affected by HIV/AIDS in South Africa.

Education, Honors and Achievements
She earned a doctorate degree in education and master’s degree in psychology from Pepperdine University, and a bachelor’s degree in fine arts from Chapman University. Her dissertation focuses on the leadership traits of female Fortune 1000 board members.

Pepperdine selected her as an inaugural 40 Under 40 honoree and the Chapman University Delta Gammas presented her with an Outstanding Alumnae award. Additionally, she is a Delta Gamma PRO, which means she speaks to Delta Gammas and other members of the Greek community around the country about topics such as leadership and self-esteem. Her sorority also selected her for its Hope Serving program, where they assist visually impaired children at a summer camp.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
She lives with her husband Dr. Michael (Mike) Moodian, son Mikey, rescue dog, and chinchilla in Rancho Mission Viejo, CA.

You can connect with Margaret Moodian on LinkedIn, Twitter, and her Huffpost Blog.

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