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Author Profile

Marc Levin | President and CEO, Maryland University of Integrative Health

Marc Levin | President and CEO, Maryland University of Integrative Health

Current Position and Past Experience
Marc Levin is the President and CEO of Maryland University of Integrative Health (MUIH). He first joined MUIH in 2008 and has held several leadership positions since then. He has served as a senior officer for every president in the history of MUIH. Prior to becoming President, he served as chief financial officer and chief operating officer. He has more than 25 years of business experience before joining MUIH.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Marc Levin earned his Master of Arts in Transformative Leadership and Social Change from the Maryland University of Integrative Health. He also holds a Master of Business Administration and a bachelor's degree in accounting from the University of Maryland and is a certified public accountant. Levin is also the author of Eight Shifts for Wellness: Practical Transformative Steps to Enhance Health, Wellness, and Well-Being, a book inspired by the teachings and philosophy of MUIH.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Marc Levin is on the Board of Trustees of the Community Foundation of Howard County and serves as its treasurer. He is also a volunteer coach for Leadership Howard County and is a member of the Howard County Estate Planning Council, serving on the membership committee. Marc Levin and his family have been residents of Howard County, Maryland for 30 years.

You can connect with Marc Levin on LinkedIn.

Articles by this author:

The EvoLLLution Year in Review