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Author Profile

Madeleine Rhyneer | Vice President for Enrollment and Marketing, Susquehanna University

Madeleine Rhyneer | Vice President for Enrollment and Marketing, Susquehanna University

Current Position and Past Experience
Since 2014, Madeleine Rhyneer has served as the Vice President for Enrollment and Marketing at Susquehanna University. Before taking on her current role, which she held as an Interim before taking it on full-time, Rhyneer served as the Vice President for Enrollment Management at Albion College. Earlier in her career, Rhyneer held the position of Vice President for Admission and Financial Aid and Chief Marketing Officer at Willamette University and, before that, the Vice President for Admission and Financial Aid at DePauw University.

Rhyneer served as an elected trustee of the College Board and is a frequent presenter at national conferences on marketing communications, financial aid leveraging, and ROI.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Rhyneer earned her BA with honors in Political Science from Whitman College and her MBA in Finance and Organizational Leadership from Atkinson Graduate School of Management where she was valedictorian.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Madeleine enjoys hiking and biking and long walks in the rain – oh, wait, just kidding! I have a passion for travel and for all things Disney. When I’m not at the Magic Kingdom visiting Mickey and Minnie, I’m trekking across the country and around the globe enjoying the beauty of our world. I love to read and to explore, with my husband, the beauty of Pennsylvania.

You can connect with Rhyneer through her LinkedIn profile.

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Avoiding summer melt