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Lynn Neault | Vice Chancellor of Student Services, San Diego Community College District

Lynn Neault | Vice Chancellor of Student Services, San Diego Community College District

Current Position and Past Experience
Lynn Neault currently serves as the Vice Chancellor of Student Services for the San Diego Community College District, where she has served in multiple roles since 1994. From 2013-2015, Neault was appointed Interim President of San Diego City College. During her time with the San Diego Community College District, Neault has also served as Director and Associate Director of Student Services, Coordinator of Student Services and Administrative Analyst in the Office of Institutional Research.

Neault is also a Statewide Advocate and, from 2008-2011, served on the Executive Board of the California Community Colleges Chief Student Services Officers Association. She was also on the California Community Colleges Consultation Council.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Neault earned her B.A. in Arts in Political Science, her Master’s of Public Administration and a Doctorate of Education from San Diego State University.

You can connect with Lynn Neault on the SDCCD website and on Twitter @NeaultLynn.

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