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Lorraine Carter | Director of Continuing Education, McMaster University

Lorraine Carter | Director of Continuing Education, McMaster University

Current Position and Past Experience
Lorraine Carter is currently Director of Continuing Education at McMaster University and has been in this position since 2015. In 2010, she was appointed Director of the Centre for Flexible Teaching and Learning at Nipissing University before becoming Director of the School of Nursing. Prior to joining Nipissing University, Lorraine worked at Laurentian University including its School of Nursing, Svchool of Business, and Departments of English. She has also worked with the Northern Ontario School of Medicine and the Ontario Telemedicine Network. Lorraine’s contributions to the development of online education from 2000 to the present day are recognized across the country. She is also an active scholar in the fields of adult education, non-traditional education models, interprofessionalism, and leadership.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Carter holds a Doctor of Philosophy in Educational Studies from the University of Windsor and a Bachelor’s degree in Education from the University of Toronto. She also has a Master’s and a Bachelor’s degree in English from Western University.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Lorraine has passion for gardening as well as reading and writing. Current times have enabled her to devour 30 plus books and complete a number of manuscripts for publication. She is also deeply proud of her children Quinn, Kent, and Alanna and her grandchildren Wynton and Ella. Lorraine is married to Rick and often serves as peer reviewer for his many poetic accomplishments.

Select journals in which you can find Lorraine’s work include the International Journal of E-learning and Distance Education, The Canadian Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, and Canadian Journal for Learning and Technology.

International Journal of E-Learning and Distance Education

The Canadian Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning

Canadian Journal for Learning and Technology

You can also connect with Lorraine on LinkedIn

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