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Lori Sundberg | President, Carl Sandburg College

Lori Sundberg | President, Carl Sandburg College

Current Position and Past Experience
Dr. Lori Sundberg currently serves as the President of Carl Sandburg College. Sundberg serves on the elected Board of Directors for AACC, the national association representing community colleges. She serves on the Directors and Membership Services Committee and is Co-Chair of the Leadership and Development Commission. Sundberg was the former chair of the Commission on Research, Technology and Emerging Trends. Sundberg is also a Peer Reviewer with the North Central Association of the Higher Learning Commission and serves on the Executive Committee for the Illinois Council of Community College Presidents.

Sundberg has spent her entire academic career at Carl Sandburg College. She has served the College in a variety of roles beginning her career as the Director of Institutional Research. Her latest position before assuming the presidency was Vice President of Academic Services. Sundberg is also a faculty member for the Ferris University Doctorate in Community College Leadership Program. She teaches the course on Leadership. She also has taught at Carl Sandburg College and Knox College. Her academic background is in business and her research interest is on organizational behavior and leadership.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Sundberg earned her Bachelor’s degree in Economics and History from Knox College, her Master of Business Administration (MBA) from Western Illinois University and her Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) in Management from St. Ambrose University.

She was awarded the Distinguished Alumnus of the Year Award from Carl Sandburg College in 2003 and the Alumni Achievement Award from Knox College in 2013. YouTube.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Sundberg is an active participant in her community including serving on the Knox County Economic Development Partnership, the Galesburg Downtown Council, Cottage Hospital Board of Directors, the Workforce Investment Board, and is a member of Rotary.

Sundberg is a novice equestrian with a focus on the sport of dressage, and is currently completing a 200 hour training program to become a certified yoga instructor. She also has gone through the levels of Kuk Sool Won martial arts. In her spare time, she loves to cook, read, write, and spend time with her family.

You can connect with Lori Sundberg on Twitter @Dr_LoriSundberg or through her Facebook page.

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