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Lisa Springer | Associate Provost, The Jewish Theological Seminary

Lisa Springer | Associate Provost, The Jewish Theological Seminary

Current Position and Past Experience
Lisa Springer is currently Associate Provost at the Jewish Theological Seminary, where she coaches senior leaders on organizational change and the creation of new programs. She also serves as co-founder and President of EIE Partners, a consulting organization collaborating with institutions to promote equity and innovation.

Previously, she served as Provost of LIM College, where, as the institution’s chief academic officer, she ensured excellence in teaching and scholarship, advised faculty, and developed new programs that meet emerging needs. Before joining LIM, Springer held numerous leadership roles at the NYU School of Professional Studies, including as Associate Dean for Global and Strategic Initiatives and Associate Dean for the Division of Languages and Humanities. In these roles, she launched international sites, managed several global teams, and collaborated across institutions to create a culture of belonging and innovation. In addition, as a Clinical Professor at NYU, Springer facilitated countless workshops and trainings.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Springer holds a B.A. in Psychology from Barnard College, Columbia University, an M.F.A. in Fiction Writing from Warren Wilson College, and an Ed.D. in Leadership and Innovation from New York University.

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