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Author Profile

Lisa Qing | Research Consultant for the Community College Executive Forum, Education Advisory Board

Lisa Qing | Research Consultant for the Community College Executive Forum, Education Advisory Board

Current Position and Past Experience
Lisa Qing currently serves as a Research Consultant at the Education Advisory Board. In this role, she leads the Community College Executive Forum's research on workforce development and enrollment management. Her most recent work examines marketing and recruiting practices at community colleges. She has also explored employer partnerships and emerging training needs in manufacturing, cybersecurity, and aging services.

Lisa has been with the Education Advisory Board since 2012, serving in a number of analytical roles before taking on her current position. Prior to joining EAB, Lisa coordinated an international exchange program for high school students.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Qing earned her AB with Honors in History from Brown University in 2011.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Lisa previously managed a community radio station, and she has volunteered with several organizations focused on education and criminal justice.

You can connect with Lisa Qing through her LinkedIn profile or through her EAB biography.

Articles by this author:

Avoiding summer melt