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Author Profile

Lisa Hinkley | Associate Vice President and Executive Director for Career and Professional Development, Carthage College

Lisa Hinkley | Associate Vice President and Executive Director for Career and Professional Development, Carthage College

Current Position and Past Experience
Lisa Hinkley is the Associate Vice President and Executive Director for Career and Professional Development at Carthage College. She has nearly 20 years of experience building new career programs and is leading the development of Carthage’s new Aspire Program. Prior to this, she spent 10 years at Lake Forest College, first as Director of the Career Advancement Center and later as Associate Vice President for Career and Professional Development. She started her career at Michigan State University as the first Field Career Consultant for the College of Communication Arts and Sciences.

Lisa Hinkley has served on the National Association of Colleges and Employers’ 21st Century Career Center Model Task Force, Michigan State University’s Collegiate Employment Research Institute, and the Health Professions Educational Consortium (HPEC), amongst other organizations. Locally, she is part of the Racine Unified School District Academies of Racine Steering Committee and is actively engaged in work with the Higher Education Regional Alliance (HERA).

Education, Honors and Achievements
Lisa Hinkley has a Bachelor of Science degree in Political Science with a minor in Speech Communication from Bradley University and a Master of Arts in Student Affairs Administration from Michigan State University.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Lisa enjoys reading, food, and travel. While cooking can be enjoyable, she gets more joy from finding great restaurants (especially hidden gems) and working her way around the menu.

You can connect with Lisa Hinkley on LinkedIn.

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Avoiding summer melt