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Lindsay Kelly | Graduate User Experience Researcher and Service Designer at the Center for 21st Century Universities, Georgia Institute of Technology

Lindsay Kelly | Graduate User Experience Researcher and Service Designer at the Center for 21st Century Universities, Georgia Institute of Technology

Current Position and Past Experience
Lindsay Kelly is a Graduate User Experience Researcher and Services Designer at the Center for 21st Century Universities at the Georgia Institute of Technology. Prior to this, she was a User Experience Researcher at LinkedIn and a Higher Education Manager at Accenture. She is also the Co-Founder of Lumovia, a mobile augmented reality learning application that brings physics concepts to life for students.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Lindsay Kelly has a Bachelor’s of Science degree in Public Policy and Management from Carnegie Mellon University as well as a Master’s of Science in Human-Computer Interaction from the Georgia Institute of Technology. She has received numerous grants and fellowships for her continued education and non-profit work from the Verizon Foundation, Lowes Home Improvement, Carnegie Mellon, the Georgia Institute of Technology, and Enactus.

You can connect with Lindsay Kelly via LinkedIn.

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Corporate learning engine