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Linda Lujan | President, Lamar Community College

Linda Lujan | President, Lamar Community College

Current Position and Past Experience
Linda Lujan is the President of Lamar Community College, a position she has held since 2016. This followed a year as the New Ventures Officer at Maricopa Community Colleges, and seven years as President and CEO of Chandler Gilbert Community College.

Over the course of her career, Lujan has also served as Vice President for Academic Affairs at South Mountain Community College, the Dean of Business, Health Sciences and Technology at the Community College of Denver and Director and Coordinator for Educational Technology at Arapahoe Community College.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Lujan earned her BA in Human Resources Management from Colorado Christian University in 1991 and her MA in Educational Technology Leadership in 1996. She earned her PhD in Community College Leadership from Colorado State University in 2004.

You can connect with Lujan on LinkedIn and on Twitter @DrLindaLujan.

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Avoiding summer melt