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Linda Head | Senior Associate Vice Chancellor of External and Employer Relations, Lone Star College

Linda Head | Senior Associate Vice Chancellor of External and Employer Relations, Lone Star College

Current Position and Past Experience
Linda Head is the Senior Associate Vice Chancellor of External and Employer Relations at Lone Star College. Her career with LSC started in 1986 as a college professor where she was promoted to a variety of administrative positions to include department chair and academic dean. Prior to this, she worked as a college recruiter, office automation specialist then corporate trainer for Tenneco Oil.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Linda Head earned her Master of Science degree in occupational technology majoring in corporate training from the University of Houston, and a Bachelor of Science degree in business administration majoring in Human Resources from Indiana University of Pennsylvania.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Linda Head served as immediate past chairman of the board for The Woodlands Chamber of Commerce, past-board president for the National Association for Continuing Education and Training, appointee to the American Association of Community Colleges Commission for Workforce & Economic Development, appointee to the national Community College Workforce Education Collaborative and steering committee member for the Community College Petrochemical Initiative. Currently Linda serves as executive council member for the Greater Houston Partnership UpSkill Houston and the Greater Houston Women's Chamber of Commerce.

You can connect with Linda Head on LinkedIn.

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