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Ligia Cicos | Project and Organizational Change Manager, Edmonds Community College

Ligia Cicos | Project and Organizational Change Manager, Edmonds Community College

Current Position and Past Experience
Ligia Cicos currently serves as a Project and Organizational Change Manager within the IT team at Edmonds Community College, a role she took on in 2015. In this capacity, she leads and executes change initiatives impacting stakeholders across the college, such as business process transformations, system upgrades and other transitions. This followed a year with Univar, where Cicos led the planning and implementation of change management efforts for multiple companywide initiatives in her capacity as Manager of Organizational Change Management. Previous positions were focused on the execution of strategic planning projects and continuous improvement programs.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Cicos earned her Bachelor’s degree in Psychology from Babeș-Bolyai University in 2002. In 2006 she earned her MBA (with a concentration in Human Resources Management) from the Keller Graduate School of Management. In 2011, she earned a Certificate in Business Analysis from the University of Washington. Cicos is also a certified ScrumMaster.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Outside of work, Ligia enjoys reading (both fiction and non-fiction books) and spending time with her family and Pumpkin (the family cat).

You can connect with Cicos via LinkedIn.

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Avoiding summer melt